"By all means let's be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out." ~Richard Dawkins
Helloooo. I'm a gal with a lot of free time :/ Sociology isn't the subject I am at par with *sigh*
So, with all those Ap's dangling on my head, after completing episode 6, I stopped and headed over to the City and then to the Jewelry Shop, which is practically a Ring's Showroom, seeing as there is nothing else there.. I mean, I like rings (Also, I like wearing many together, NOT JUST ONE!!) but c'mon, there should be earrings and beautiful bracelets there, but instead they are sold by Leigh where he poses artistically in the place that is called the "clothes shop".
In the Ring's section--the ONLY section--buy the big shiny Blue ring, it's in a word HUGE, beh.
Get to your
And get redirected to your School, at night.
Uhh, they DO have tests here! I wonder when they actually make notes...
Then just like it is fate, when this time Candy-Dandy hasn't even done anything, something happens and you are being teleported or something in a swirly vortex.
After the ride, ChiNoMiko appears. Andddd, she is wearing a weird outfit like in every Special Episode.
The best part of it all, A NEW BOY! The worst part, he is here just for a single episode...
WHY, Oh why!?!?!? You can take Nathaniel with you, but just leave the Special Boy!
Emotional Breakdown's is a Part of My Life. NBD. Move on, you.
K' she tells us to search for our own way, Imma gonna go in One Direction... :3 But seeing as there is just one direction to go in the game as well, take that.
Neglected Graves.
Candy - (It's really gloomy here...there are lots of tombs. All the dates of death are around 1858 and 1860, while the birth dates are never the same. I wonder what happened here...)
Left - Gloomy Path.
Candy - (I've never been in a forest as sinister as this. There is not a sound... There is a path over there, but I'm going to avoid taking it...I don't know if the forest is big and I don't want to get lost)
Ohh, sinister and stuff, hmm. No bish, I want to take it, my adrenaline is at its very high.
Scaredy rat. Urgh, go back to the graves. And then back to the starting point, i.e Castel in Ruins.
Candy - (All
the tombs here have the same date of death. Some of them are in really
bad shape, I'm having trouble reading the names. The castle over there
scares me, it looks like it's been abandoned for centuries.) We should've bought with us Castiel and his power fist.
Turn back to the graves where the weirdest thing happens...
A bat, that TALKS................ eh, not that weird at the end, *sigh*
But to our Candy dearest, it's too much to handle. Seriously, girl, what's wrong with you? Uh, game genetics.
The bat talks some phrases with us and in my mind I can hear a cute squealing voice, which is petite like him. He tells us that the place has had a Dark history, Ohh-I love DARK :33
An epidemic killed all the villagers and the battie is the only one who takes care of those tomb stones... And then there is this Mary Mo-something, Idk, whose Tomb is perfect of sorts, and it's somewhere deep...
Brilliant Candy is no longer scared and wants to trek, great, btw can I keep the bat??
Apparently, I can't. Boohoo.Anyways, leave and go left and into the forest that is marked as the isolated grave... Gimme the boy already, uh.
Candy - (I finally advanced. Like the bat said, there is just a tomb here...) (But, unlike the others, this one is well taken care of and the date of death is 1860. Maybe she survived the epidemic?)
Le battie reappears saying he wants to cry. Then the formal shiz ensues, tell him your name and he tells you his--Black. I seriously want him, please!?
So basically, she was the babe of a prince and was sick so the prince wanted to save her but the only way was to make her a VAMPIRE which means we are dealing with a Vampire today!! hhhh, a change from Mr. Snarky and Mr. Sissie well deserved...!
SO, Candy is a panicked baby and Blacky reassures her of the Vampire... Bitch, be Happy.
She thinks he will eat her, uhh, even kids know Vampires suck don't eat, that department is held up by Zombies.
She thinks he will eat her, uhh, even kids know Vampires suck don't eat, that department is held up by Zombies.
But in fact, he doesn't "drink" from humans cos they smell like shit...I know where this is going...
Now find the Vegan Vampire near Mary's tomb.
Candy - (No one is here...I'm going to back to see Black.) Always, after a dialogue like this the bang happens, that is my big bang theory.
"Gahh (He...He is here! I didn't even hear him coming, nor did I sense his presence!)"
See, I knew it. A guy appears who is kinda short-ish :// with hair that's long-ish.
He looks like a darn girl! There went all my expectations into the tomb.
He looks like a darn girl! There went all my expectations into the tomb.
"What are you doing here?"
"Gahh (He...He is here! I didn't even hear him coming, nor did I sense his presence!)"
"I asked you a question..."
"I... I don't know, I came here without wanting to, and Black told me to take a look around here..."
"I... I don't know, I came here without wanting to, and Black told me to take a look around here..."
"And what's your name?"
"I'm Candy (He seems very calm, although, he did scare me!)"
"I'm Candy (He seems very calm, although, he did scare me!)"
"My name is Dimitry.'
'N-Nice to meet you..."
'N-Nice to meet you..."
"….What is your blood type" heh.
"Why do you want to know? "
"Because you smell very good..."
"(Uhhh...he...is he talking about my blood?)" No, silly, he's not a vampire AT ALL! In fact... he's a werewolf so... you know. Not blood. But... well, but.
"(Uhhh...he...is he talking about my blood?)" No, silly, he's not a vampire AT ALL! In fact... he's a werewolf so... you know. Not blood. But... well, but.
"I smelled an unfamiliar odor here... It's not the first time you've come around this tomb, right?'
"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't want to disturb anything.'
"As long as you don't touch anything, I don't see a problem. She would have been happy to have visitors."
"(He looked at the tomb with a melancholic air...)"
"(He looked at the tomb with a melancholic air...)"
"Say are you....are you a real vampire?" *Nat style face palm* Not at all DEARIE! Remember? A werewolf... yeah. That.
"Excuse me?"
"A vampire, that shines in the sun? ARE U EDWARD!? I WUANT EDWUARD! I mean…a real vampire, that drinks blood?"
"Would that scare you?" She is scared of EVERYTHING.
"Absolutely yes! I’ve seen so many vampire movies, they all end horribly!" idk, this one is neutral along with C.
"Movies don't always represent reality you know..." So.He watches films, ugh... yeah! Of course in the "Vampire Multiplex" and Twilight is his favorite film, yeah, that makes sense... :/

"O-Ok... Don't get angry... Please..." He is smiling, you shit!
"O-Ok... Don't get angry... Please..." He is smiling, you shit!
answer your question, yes, I'm a real vampire. The only one that is
left here. I promised my partner never to hurt humans, and I've kept
that promise. The only blood I drink is that of the forest animals."
"(Phew, he isn't mean then) Your partner... Was it Mary? The girl this tomb belongs to?"
"(Phew, he isn't mean then) Your partner... Was it Mary? The girl this tomb belongs to?"
" Yes...She looked a lot like you..." He must've said that to every girl in the world, uh, boys.
"(He looked at the tomb again with a melancholic air.)"
"Would you mind leaving me alone? I don't feel very well". And there I thought, he liked our silly little Candiesta... maybe he just found her stupid. Wouldn't be the first time.
"Y-Yes, of course... It was nice to meet you."
"Y-Yes, of course... It was nice to meet you."
You heard the guy leave him alone, nvm he's already left. Go back, I miss Blacky already.
Candy - (I wonder what is wrong... Maybe talking about his friend made him sad? Or something else...)
(I should ask Black if I can do something to help Dimitry)
Black tells you that Mr. Vampire is a hungry little rabbit and it's important to try catching something for him to suck at... That. Sounded. So. Creepy.
Find a Cat. Go to the Castle and in the back drop of it there will be a small black figure, catch it, beh.
And then it's safely put in your inventory. Now to prestent it to our Vampire Mateeeee...
Candy - (I
found a cat, I wonder if that will work... but the poor kitty... he
looks so nice, he let me catch him without saying anything)
Go to the tomb.
(I can see Dimitry near the tomb...)
Okay so, giving him le Chat is a BAD IDEA.. so just set it freeeee... BE FREEE. BE FREEEE. HAVE MILLION LITTLE KITTIES.
(I can't do that... Poor little cat, he is so nice too...)
(I can't do that... Poor little cat, he is so nice too...)
(I let the cat go)
"For a minute there, I thought you were going to give me that cat to eat..." Eat. Eat. EAT?! Donchya mean suck?!
'You saw me?" No duh. Candy you so bright! Applause for dis gurl!
'You saw me?" No duh. Candy you so bright! Applause for dis gurl!
"I can smell the blood of a human from miles away, so when they are really close to me..."
"I'm sorry, I thought I could help you, but I guess not in the end."
"I'm sorry, I thought I could help you, but I guess not in the end."
"It's not filling enough anyway. I appreciate more the fact that you didn't want to give it to me. It shows you have a heart."
"Thanks... and again, sorry."
"Thanks... and again, sorry."
"I'm repeating myself, but, would you mind
leaving me alone? I made a promise and I wouldn't want to attack a human
that smells as sweet as you..."
"Y-Yeah! I'm going!"
"Y-Yeah! I'm going!"
Leave again, it's like dragging the episode for no reason at all.
I go back to Black who is in the graveyard seeing as he takes care of all the tombs.
But Black isn't there and Candy the miss goody-two-shoes wants to collect flowers for the graves. I can almost imagine Castiel there, with his hand on that nice hip, smirking sarcastically.
3 bouquets for soo many graves, Candy be bad in Math... Nathaniel help!
For the first bouquet go to the Castel.
.2 flowers have grown there with magic, I can smell our aunt somewhere...
.2 flowers have grown there with magic, I can smell our aunt somewhere...
The first tomb is now embellished with a bouquet.
After you got them follow suit. The second grave now has its own ornament.
The third one is easy, just go to the Castle.
and then the gloomy path.
And Voila, our task here is done.
"What you are doing is very nice."
"You scared me! I thought you wanted to stay alone!"
"You scared me! I thought you wanted to stay alone!"
"I saw you walking back and forth from Mary's tomb, and I was a little intrigued."
"She would have done the same thing... You really look like her."
"She"? Are you talking about Mary?" No, he's talking about Kiki. God, she's so stupidly funny it's almost sad. She's worse than Bella. Edward would like her!
"She"? Are you talking about Mary?" No, he's talking about Kiki. God, she's so stupidly funny it's almost sad. She's worse than Bella. Edward would like her!
"Yes...She had such a kind soul and if she
could see what this place has become, she would be sad. She would have
tried to make the cemetery more...alive."
"You must really miss her?"
"You must really miss her?"
"Of course, but I think that people who leave
us wouldn't want us to pass our life crying. I take care of her tomb to
preserve her memory, but I'm taking advantage of my eternity the best I
"You aren't alone then?"
"You aren't alone then?"
(I missed this dialogue, idk)
"Will you come with me? I want to give you something, to thank you for decorating the cemetery."
Go to the Castel.
"This is my castle. Wait here, I'm going to get you something."
"Ok. I'll wait here."
"Ok. I'll wait here."
(Dimitry left and came back a few minutes later.)
"It's not much, but I would rather you have this dress then to let it sit around and collect dust." (He held out a dress and several accessories)
WEAR IT. idk,it reminds me of our green-blue eyed boy... I miss him :'(
"It suits you perfectly."
"Thank you very much! It's so beautiful! Really!"
"It's my pleasure. I'm sorry, I would
have liked to stay longer, but I really need to eat...Come back and see
me later, I'll have something to ask you."
"I'll come back later then."
"I'll come back later then."
Get ready to be his sorbet for dinner...
I think of going to Mary's tomb but he appeared as swiftly as he disappeared.
"What did you want to ask me?"
"Well, would you accept to...be my fair maiden?"
"No, I belong to Lysander! Leave me alone you freaky pasta and take your fangs!"
"No, nothing it would be too inconsiderate on my behalf..."
"Well, now that you've brought it up, I would prefer that you finish!"
"Well, now that you've brought it up, I would prefer that you finish!"
(He seems to be weighing the positive and negative sides before talking)
"Would you let me drink your blood?"
"Wh-What?! I thought you only drank the blood of animals."
"Wh-What?! I thought you only drank the blood of animals."
"That is true, but like I said before, it's not nourishing enough for a vampire, and over time I'm getting weaker and weaker..." How am I concerend with that?! This is by far the worst pick up line ever, :/
"And I must admit that seeing you in those
clothes brings back painful memories. The mission that I tried to
complete for Mary that I wasn't able to finish..." Per-Vert. Dake got competition.
"I-I see... Is it painful?"
"I-I see... Is it painful?"
"I don't know."
"(I'm too scared, but I can't bring myself to say no after all he's been through...and if it's a dream than there are no risks after all...)" I want the illustration after all, so bite on mister.
"...So? Do you accept?"
"(Dimitry held me against an old wall and buried his head in my neck... The pain was like a shot, but more dull and persistent...I think he drank my blood for a few minutes, but it seemed longer...)" |
"...I would like you to stay with me." That's the least you can do for all this...Drama.
"Huh? what? I-I don't know, I would have to think about it and then..." Keep thinkin' bitch.
"Huh? what? I-I don't know, I would have to think about it and then..." Keep thinkin' bitch.
OOhh damn the Vortex, I got sucked back to "reality" Piisshh, I got so high when I found that a vampire was the hunk of this story but the story line was straight boring...!
I Love Your Hilarious Commentary On The Game!!! Makes Me And My BFF Laugh Every Time. (P.S Since My Friend Is A Lysander Girl Like U Will U Do Armin's Little Story 'Cause I'm An Armin Girl???)
ReplyDeleteI'll try. It's hard not to like Armin, btw. Especially since he's one of those who can really take a joke without Snarkasm, that is, unlike a few (or one red haired, grey eyed hot damn) I can name over here. Since Armin is my 2nd higgest affinity in my MCL account, Lys rules the Sweet Crush, I will be getting back to posting these walkthroughs when I can finally have my laptop back. Which was harshly snatched away from my poor soul by the wicked people I call parents (they're not wicked actually, just kind of serious right now since I'm on a hard detention) So anyway, Armin is hot though Alexy is hotter. Why do all em hot men turn out to be gay?! I mean, have you no mercy?? Whatever would happen of poor Violette?! Sigh. Sorry. Been a long while since I've ranted. All in all so glad you and your friend like the commentary. It means so damn much to me.
ReplyDelete~Miss A ;)