"It's on like Donkey Kong" (old but gold)
~ Twitter Handel, @REAL_LIAM_PAYNE
and Alvin, from Alvin and the Chipmunks... you know you love them ;)
NOTE: Sherlock's pipe is in the teacher's Lounge, above the Coffee Machine! You dont have to search for it, just click on the machine and Viola!
Okay, so last year I started playing this fine game with the not-so-fine Action Point drama :P
I dropped playing it for a while after I reached episode 8 'cos there weren't many walkthrough for Castiel at that moment and being myself, if I had continued, my poor Candy would have had to suffer the wrath of all the guys like I have to in real life...
Anyways, the reason for this tutorial is that I am bored, and I have seen there ain't much Lysander walkthrough--SERIOUSLY--I was struggling so hard with but then all the answers I was giving him... were right! :D So I started giving him wrong ones cos my affinity with Castiel, the I-Get-Mad-Even-When-You-Breath punk was only 50 :/
Also, it isn't just a Lysander walkthrough, it has the answers for the three of them :)
So, um, let's do this :)
It all starts with the Candy and her overly adventurous pain-in-the-ass curiosity filled HEAD.
She wants you to check out the dreamy-creamy Lysander, I knew she had my kinda taste in boys :3
I was all ready to clipity-clop toward the Gym 'cos that's where I find him mostly when--Bam! A new entry again!
Oh wait, its a girl, *sigh* Peggy with her purple hair jumps out on my face and tries to force her mic in my nose :/
Forget her, she's one of the press. And then when you shoo her away, another thing stops you! eeeeEHHHhhhhHHH why can't I just run away and directly into his arms if I had to!
Buuuutttt, I can't :/ BooHoo!
So, now, In the story course we've been given 3 options.
If you want to increase your affinity with Lys then select option #3 i.e "Turn on your heels and avoid any trouble" If I was myself, I would've definitely spied on 'em but ohh well..
And, then I turned away but still couldn't reach my Victorian Age Vampire... Grrr, YOU NATHANIEL!
He tells you about everything, blah blah blah, this BLONDE keeps on LOSING IMPORTANT STUFF, hmmmmmmmmmmm...
![]() |
Geez, he makes meh mad! >:(
The goody-goody Candy, wants to help him... Why? CANDY, WHY?!
Oh wait! Then It's Peggy returns, it doesn't matter what you tell her, she will still hate you in the coming episodes :/
Next--go talk to all the new entries.
Student Council room,
Gardening Club.
And now I can finally catch up with "The Famous Lysander" who is maybe in the Gym, he isn't sporty but he is there (why), waiting with his SWAG. :3
Ohh wait, I see our HOT RED-HEAD! :3 Hey purty boi! (OHH MANN, I DIDN'T SCREEN CAP ANY OF HIS PICTURES! :S).
"Did you hear? Nathaniel is in serious trouble, he lost the key to the teachers' lounge and some stuff got stolen"
"And this concern's me how?"
"Don't you think we should try to help him after all?" NO BISH, NO! #Zayn's voice-- "Never In a million years!"
"I just told you, I'm not concerned at all with any of this." That leaves me one--*sigh*
I go back one screen, and my prediction comes true, its Lysander and his thoughtful fist in the Gymnasium, woohoo :$ .
"Hi, Lysander, we met the other evening, the ghost and all..."
"Hello, ...y/n right?" For you, I can even be KING KONG :s
"That's right! So you and Castiel are good friends right?" +4
"We've known each other for awhile now, yeah."
And just like that so many ap's wasted for nothing, *sigh*
Go back to the main hallway and decide about the guilty party.
After all of this investigation for nothing, I have to find the key, OH MAN! This Nat-boy hasn't changed a bit, always takes a lot out of a "little help"
Now, because we chose option no.3 in the beginning, It is Lys who will give us the key but there are a lot of things to do before that.
I head over to the Gymnasium and he is there!
"Do you know anything about the key for the teachers' lounge?"
"What is there to know about?"
"The spare key have disappered" Poor candy, Nathaniel has corrupted her mind as well "DISAPPEARED"
"Keys don't disappear by themselves" FINALLY! An Intelligent boi :3
"Yes, I'm going to keep looking for them" +4
"Maybe Nathaniel just misplaced them." Oh no, no! Lys, you don't know his sister.
I go out of there and see Nat.
"I don't mind looking for them but do you have any idea who might have stolen those keys?"
"If someone stole it from me, I have no idea where it could be. I usually keep it in the teachers' lounge when I am there or have it on me."
"It's okay, we'll find it" Just Tryna' be miss goddy-two-shoes.
"One little key in the entire high school? And if someone has it on them? Good Luck..." Whoa! Pessimist ALERT!
I'm going back to meet Rosalya, apparently that will unlock another dialogue with Lysander. But all I found was our crazy aunt--inside the school premises o.O--and Lys!
"I still haven't found the key!"
"They must not be far"
"I'm going to keep on looking for them"
Also, to all the Castiel lovers like moi, keep away from that punk cos stupid Candy has nothing good to say to him in this episode--that is if you did not select the spy option.
I get back to finding Rosa but instead see Lys who gives me the key |:/ NOoo!
"I still haven't found the key"
"Oh, I was wondering if you'd be back around here"
But, oh well, I couldn't find the useless Rosa with her useless leg--seriously, what's wrong with her and her clothes!--which means I don't have the hidden dialogue, if anyone finds it tell me I have the answer cos in one replay I did came across those three questions (that is, if you answer right) and it gave a 6+ affinity boost!
P.S Got the question! All you have to do is while looking for the key, go and meet the leggy lass in the second hallway and unlock a dialogue, then after getting the keys and talking to Nathaniel (The next dialogue beneath) go to Lys and viola--OUR DIALOGUE.
"Hey I was wondering, do you know Rasalya?"
"Rosa? Yes."
"Are you close?"
"You could say that"
"So, what is she to you?!" Candy losses it!
"Like I said, I know her pretty well" Ohh, he is enjoying it *sigh*
"Why don't you want to say? Come on!" Oh Candy, cool down some!
"It's none of your business, that's it" And with that smile it all ends.
He is right its none of our business but boy, did he like this convo, in short, he like to play hard to get.} If in real life a boy would talk to me like that I will instantly cry a river, but here my grin is as long as a taco!
"y/n, any news?"
"Yes! I found your key! Here!" Way too excited, aren't we?! URGH!
"That's great news! Thank you very much, now I just have to find the up coming exams that were stolen.." OOPS! Slip of tongue, eh Nathaniel?
"It was the upcoming exam that we're stolen?!" OHH MAANN, more wastage of limited ap's!
"Yes, you understand how serious this is now?" URGH, OH eM Gee this fugger!
I am the only one who is serious here, and you are the one who keeps on misplacing shiz! Ya' know it fugger!
"Yes, I see... et blah, blah blah!" Candy keeps on blabbering!
"I'm already a suspect. If someone sees you or me in the teachers' lounge, that would not be good..." EEhh, Captain Scared-SISSY!
"But if you don't find the exams it wont be good for you either" She is way too CURIOUS!
"That's true, are you sure you want to risk it?" NAH!
"I'm not sure, but I want to know who did it!" I ALREADY KNOW, FRIGGING GURL!
"Thanks, that's nice of you" YEAH, YEAH!
"This is what I suggest..." He's blabbering now >:/
"I can only let you in once, and be quick, before someone comes, okay?"
Take a trip inside the school (go to the main hallway) and come back (back to the courtyard)
There is dialogue after which you can enter the Teachers' Lounge.
MY TIP: Don't search in many places if you don't want -15 morale and DO NOT read Lysander's file cos your Affinity with him will detorate dramatically!
FIRST OF--Search the FILE CABINET--here you will see his file DO NOT READ IT!
SECONDLY--Search near the CHAIRS--you will find a cheap bracelet here, take it and slither out of there! Mr. Farazi--or whatever his name is--will come to your rescue if you leave before running your imagination wild!
This is how it will happen--
Now ask every fugger of your high school before you finally find out that it is indeed of that cheapo Whore Amber. (In our case, Capucine, the cheeky new comer will give us our information)
But wait a minute, Ohh YESSSS! Finally, I FOUND ROSA and her leg!
And she has the same opinion as me for the bracelet--UGLY--just like it owner!
Ahh! Lysander after hundered ap's!
"Lysander! I was searching the teachers' lounge and I found this bracelet, Do you recognize it?"
"No, sorry"
"I saw your academic file as well"
... (the convo goes on)
I found Nat as well but like Castiel, he didnt know anything either--Capucine, where are you?!
OHH EMM GEEZ, Where is that pink wiatch!?!? I JUST CANT FIND HER >:( HELP!!
AHH, Finally! She is in the Staircase--remember to check twice, first you will see Iris, after that if you are lucky, you can finally see Capucine without wasting 200 ap, Believe me, I counted!
She tells you about what you already know :/ Now, find Amber, the brother-backstabber, she is in the classroom.
She and her friends are talking, and I interrupt like always.
She sees you, another conversation enfolds. You give her back that dirty bracelet and when you turn around, its Nat, the I-Love-My-Bish-Sister guy with his famous face-palm
And then he orders you again--go find those stupid test papers, seriously, why me?! Why not Melody?!
Side note-- I know why, because he rejected her when she asked him out!
So, before obeying to Mr. Facepalm, meet with the yummy Lysander, he will give you another task. He's in Hallway 2.
"Excuse me, can you do me a favor?" Course! Anything for you, mah boi! :3
"Yes, what?"
"You know my notepad, the one you found that evening? Did you read it?"
"No, not really, why?"
(Oh boy that look again)
Now go and fetch those exam papers.
Before I went, I again came across Lys,
"Can I come watch you guys play someday?"
"Um... no" BOOHOO </3
"Thanks for your interest" +4
Go to the staircase ...and I see Castiel *sigh*
"So, it was Amber who stole the exam"
"Hmm... she's always up to something"
"I hope she gets expelled" Neutral, but it made him smile, so yeah!
"You're pretty efficient..."
Get the exam papers and go to the recently rejuvenated Nat.
"I've found the sealed exam papers"
"Amber didn't open 'em? ..."
"How are you going to do that?"
"..." blah, blah
"... And what about Amber?"
*Face Palm* Convo,
He says he will get her suspended--Ohh, hmm, my kind of Nat, huh?
"I don't really want to but I don't know what else to do ..." Nah! Still the same sissy.
" I understand, but I think you're right ..." OF COURSE, get that ho-on-da-go suspended, heehhaahaahaa
"Thanks, I hope..." He talks A LOT!
Go to the courtyard and pick up the notepad.
Return it to him :) And enjoy your date!
"Do you have my notepad?"
"Yes! Here you are"
"Thank you, very much, where was it?"
"On the bench.."
"Thanks again"
"No problem".
Now, if Lys is your highest affinity you will get his date or... go to the main hallway.
The ho-on-da-go is waiting for you *sigh*
My affinity with Castiel is 95, so no Lysander pour moi :(
Amber walks up to the candy like a boss, trying to hide her awkwardness, she says her shiz after turning around to see if her brother is anywhere in sight, No, he isn't.
Amber advances towards Candy, who dared to give a nice answer to this ratchet biash. The blond bish raises her hand--the other one, not the one that is glued--to slap the Candy...--SUSPENSE--THRILLER--SHIZ ITS CASTIEL!!
His arm makes way towards the timid Candy.
"So, Amber? You're trying to bother my girlfriend?" He says, making every part of this miss goody-two-shoes go pale as she shivers, choking on the microphone she had to eat in the morning.
Suddenly, *Click* It was
Amber turned her heels to run but then stumbled on the ground--it was a bad day for that curly.
Candy turned to look at her red-head savior! He was BEAUTIFUL
""y-You're girlfriend? the word itself was weird.
"Nah, I just said that so she'd leave, don't get any ideas" THAT WAS IT! All her hopes were dashed into dirt, OOHH BOYY.
"Ahh, I see.." I'm torn, "Thanks, in any case" Bound and Broken on the floor.
He shrugged his shoulder and left!
Leaving poor candy; cold and ashamed, on the floor wearing hoe clothes.
Have fun playing, and you guise can ask me anything till *episode 13*
PS. I got the Lysander date on my Amour Sucre account! YAYAYAYAYA!!
This is how it goes.
Nut-Job Amber, again pounces on Candy like a gorilla out of Zoo. Her hair, which she combs 375 times a day and sets with special hair-spray is a mess and her kohl is smeared around those vixen orbs (yes, eyes) because she was trying to cry her way out of the situation in front of her brother.
At the same time Candy has this wild idea of dressing up cos her knight in shining aromor would fly away if she isn't completely groomed. *Chose the French Maid outfit which costs a heafty amount*
The same shiz happens, drama--suspense--thriller etc bullshit.
But to save Candy from her bitch-slap its Lysander who comes out of nowhere like a, ahem, Victorian era hero.
But to be honest, with Castiel it was so much more fun! Here he didn't even hold her hand, instead Amber got that pleasure!
"It seems to me young lady that we are all responsible for our actions and must assume their consequences"
Ohh Lysander, a lecture is all you can give!? Why?!!!
*Sigh* I wasn't even in the picture! Cried the Candy as Peggy took a photo of them for her newspaper article.
"Th...Thank you" Said she stumbling with words because of tears, after Amber and Lysander ended their
"That's ok, I don't like getting involved in other people's business but you seemed in need of help...(He left.)"
Looking at the picture, you look bad Lys, even you need help.
~Miss A.
OMG! Thankyou so much! This was the most funny and reliable post i could find! Love your work!
ReplyDeleteAww. You're welcome. Glad you liked it. (Don't I sound like a diplomat. Maybe I could've tried for Presidency this year...)
Delete~A :)